My Euphoric Journey

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I Am Strong Enough 2024

Through life, love, loss and my journey beyond.


You are the Light in the Midst of My Storm…..

Waking Up

By becoming aware of the constant mental commentary about our lives, we wake up from the matrix of our own thoughts. We unplug ourselves from the neuron pathways and patterns of suffering that are automatically reacting for us. The beautiful thing about our brain is that it can adapt and change over time as we…

Breaking the Cycle

This is dedicated to one who is close to my heart but just doesn’t realize it. The one who thinks there is no hope for him because of his upbringing, his past choices that he feels defines him now, who doesn’t believe enough in himself to realize that only HE has the power to change…

Avoidance of Discovery through Blame

In order to avoid being discovered for what it truly is, the ego-mind projects our problems as coming from the outside of us in order to keep us distracted from the real root of our suffering – the ego’s attachment to a wounded theme of consciousness, thus being able to hide in plain sight. By…

Love is Choosing To Commit Everyday (Part 3)

Let’s face it, when we are in love, everything is better. Water tastes better, the air smells sweeter and we are filled with feelings of new possibilities, joyful bliss and an unending excitement for life. However, even though a relationship usually starts off as a dream come true, there are days when it can turn…

Love is Choosing to Commit Everyday (Part 2)

Lots of us go into relationships thinking we can “fix” the other person. If you are worried about your partner, whether it’s their lifestyle that you may feel is unhealthy or maybe you would like to see them change some habits. First, lead by example and not by complaining, nagging or begging. For everything else,…

Love is Choosing to Commit Everyday (Part 1)

Loving someone is choosing to make the daily, sometimes hourly, commitment to act lovingly towards them. One of the hardest things we will ever do in life is to be in a loving, committed relationship with another human. Love is a daily commitment, and it isn’t always easy. Our partner may say and do things…

Moving on

Being just days away from our 1 year anniversary the pain tends to hit a bit harder, sharper. I’ve had to come to the acceptance that no matter what, you just didn’t want a life with me. You see, I’ve accepted my responsibility in hurting your heart by acting out with my anger and hurt.…


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